News and Notes — August 2015
The Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost
Parenting Class
New session of the Parenting Class at 9:30 in Room 204 in Garrett Hall. This class uses the ARK or Adults Relating to Children program for Christian Parents. The foundation of this program is unconditional love received by God and shared with each other. Topics for this session are, “Convening a Family Meeting, Setting Boundaries, Avoiding Over-Reaction, Instilling Responsibility, Focusing on Communication and Handling Sibling Fighting.” For more information contact Logan Hurst at
Adult Forum: General Convention Presentation
Sunday, August 30, 9:35 a.m. Dean Michell will lead a presentation and discussion of what happened at the recently held General Convention of the Episcopal Church and what that might mean for our common life. |
Come One Come All!
During the summer the choir will sing on the 4th Sunday of the month. Our next opportunity is Sunday, August 23. We will be singing at the 10:30 a.m. service. We will rehearse at 9:30 a.m. in the choir stalls! Interested in joining the choir or for more information contact Keith Franks at |
Children's News
Word of God (Children's Chapel) is taking a break this Summer — Children will have the opportunity to attend church with their families this summer. Children's worship bulletins will be available at the back of the church.
Food Pantry Help Needed, Wednesdays 9-11 a.m.
Help is needed putting together the bags of food that are given out by the Food Pantry. If you have time on Wednesday mornings 9-11 to help with this, please contact Robert Wooten at or 214.826.5016.
Moms Connect
The next Moms connect get together has been planned for Saturday, September 12. For more information please email Keeley Chorn at or call her at 917.568.8587.
Daughters of the King
Do you feel that God may be calling you to DO something for Him? Daughters of the King (DOK) is an order of women who are responding to God's call of a deeper commitment and relationship with Him. We pledge to pray and serve and share His love with others. If you are interested in exploring the beginning of a new DOK chapter at St. Matthew’s, please call Janet Page at (972) 948-5534, or email Janet at We are an order of women who pray. Won’t you join us?

Stanton Center
Are you interested in learning more about Jesus, about the Christian faith, about what it means to be an Anglican, or about your own spirituality? The Stanton Center may be just the place for you. The Stanton Center offers twenty-four classes on a variety of topics taught by some of the finest instructors in the diocese. Classes meet one weekend per month from August through May. If you are interested in learning more about the Stanton Center see Janet Page for a catalog, or call her at (972) 948-5534 or email |
Peru Mission Prayer Team.
One of the most important ways we support those who are going to Peru to witness Christ’s love is to pray for them. The Prayer Team members are given information and prayer requests from the Mission Team members. We pray at home each day, starting as they are preparing for their trip until they return safely home. If you would like your name added to the Prayer Team, please let Deacon Diana or Fr. Tony know. You can contact us at or or simply speak to us. Thank you.
Welcome the new Sexton, Larry Budgewater
Larry was born August 17, 1952, the oldest of four siblings: one sister and two brothers. They are still living in Baton Rouge. He moved to Dallas in 1975 and married in 1982. He is currently single and has one daughter living in Duncanville with his two grandchildren. He is semi-retired from commercial construction and attends church in Duncanville. According to Larry, "I consider myself to be a missionary wherever I go and would dearly love to do some mission work overseas. I am really happy to be able to serve God at St. Matthew's Cathedral." Be sure to say hello to Larry and tell him you're thankful he's here when you see him. Larry's hours will be 9-5 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; on Saturday morning as needed, and setting up early Sunday morning.